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Saturday, July 24, 2021

 Microsoft is in the business of educational support, competing with Google. My school has recently switched from Google to Microsoft but the tech support guy says Microsoft isn't really any better.

Microsoft SPORK looks a lot better to me! It's a serious course content management system. I particularly like being able to, (with some lingering problems,) copy a class that someone else presented last year and then modify it to suit me. This saves a whole lot of work!

It's still a bit confusing and I see that with two sections of one course, I can create two iPlanners but I can't tell them apart. So I deleted on and asked about that.

The other problem has to do with one course of mine that seems to have to be "Mentored." but that one, I cannot access last year's courses to copy. 

This is going to be a VERY BUSY school year for me!

I wish Microsoft had some extended training for this system.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

 My new job began Monday of last week (7/12). I am the one and only Computer Science teacher at Basis Tucson North.

I will be teaching four courses, one with two sections, making five periods every day. Three of the four courses are very much settled so I will do as the previous teacher did - as best I can.

The final course is called ENGINEERING and it was formerly a robotics class - in which I have no experience at all. Besides that, I'm not particularly interested in robotics. So they are allowing me to create an entirely new course to my own liking. Today, I finally got my syllabus in order and sent it to the principle for his comments. Boy is that a load-off!

Next year (how can I be thinking about next year when this year hasn't started yet) I can work on changing two courses to my liking. The final course is an AP Computer Science course and the College Board sets the curriculum so that's sort of cast in stone.

Wish me luck!
